Hit ParadeSlate

The Bridge: Ladies of the Canyon and the Rhythm Nation

How a couple of major hit-makers fulfilled their chart destinies from the ’60s to the ’90s.

In this monthly mini-episode of Hit Parade, host Chris Molanphy is joined by Asha Saluja, operations manager for Slate Podcasts and new producer of these monthly mini-episodes. Asha tells Chris about an episode of Hit Parade on a certain pop queen–turned–EDM goddess that bridged two seemingly unrelated parts of her personal music history. Chris gives Asha the scoop on the anecdote from the last full-length Hit Parade episode about the TV appearance responsible for keeping Joni Mitchell away from Woodstock. Asha shares a letter from a listener with some firsthand perspective on the music of the late 1960s. Plus, Chris quizzes a Slate Plus listener with some music trivia, and the contestant turns the tables with a chance to try and stump Chris with a trivia question of his own.

While this episode is available to all listeners, our trivia round is open only to Slate Plus members. If you are a member—or once you become a member—enter as a contestant here.

Want your question featured in an upcoming show? Email a voice memo to hitparade@slate.com.

Podcast production by Asha Saluja with engineering help from Danielle Hewitt.

Content retrieved from: https://slate.com/podcasts/hit-parade/2019/09/joni-mitchell-skipped-woodstock-for-the-dick-cavett-show.